Manas AI has brought together a world-class, interdisciplinary team of leaders in the discovery of novel medicines – spanning AI, computational chemistry, biology, and clinical research.
Dr. Lewis Cantley
Harvard University
Discoverer of PI3K and PTEN, scientific founder of Agios Pharma (Nasdaq: AGIO).
Dr. Gary Gilliland MD
Fred Hutch cancer center
Former Global Oncology Franchise Head, Merck & Co., groundbreaking researcher on the genetic underpinnings of cancer.
Dr. Craig Mello
Umass Chan Medical School
Co-discoverer of RNA interference and 2006 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, scientific co-founder of CRISPR tx, Atalanta tx and several others RNA focused biotechnology companies.
Dr. William Jorgensen
Yale University
World leading innovator in computational chemistry whose contributions have transformed molecular simulation and drug design.
Dr. Peter Kim
Stanford University
Pioneering biochemist and former President of Merck Research Laboratories, where he oversaw approval of over 20 new medicines.
Dr. Matthew Shair
Harvard University
World leading organic chemist, small molecule therapeutics expert and scientific founder of Nuvalent (Nasdaq: NUVL).
Dr. David Spiegel MD
Yale University
Chemical biologist renowned for his contributions in antibody-recruiting molecules and synthetic antibody mimics for therapeutic applications.